
Digital Marketing for Hotels

Your hotel is unique, your online marketing strategy should be too! We specialise in tailor made, integrated online marketing campaigns that effectively increase occupancy rates and drive direct bookings.

Our Online Marketing Services

Our online marketing department focuses on bringing your hotel the best bang for its buck (or pound or euro!) across all available online marketing channels.

We are not interested in spending your advertising money for money’s sake.

We focus exclusively on proven strategies to effectively increase visitors to your website and then convert them into paying guests.

If you are looking for an honest and open approach to boost your bookings we might be a good match. Contact us to find out more.

Digital Solutions for Hotels

Our recommended online marketing channels for hotels include:

  • Search (PPC) and Display Campaigns
  • Youtube Video Ads
  • Facebook & Instagram Campaigns
  • Hotel Meta Search Campaigns
  • OTA Promotion Options (the last resort!)

In short, if a channel will bring our clients profit, we will recommend it!

Ready for more bookings?

Frequently asked questions about our digital marketing services for hotels

What is your approach to digital marketing for hotels?

We want to achieve maximum benefits as simply as possible. There is no need for most hotels to be considering advertising on Tic Tok (yet!). For clients in the hotel industry we usually focus their digital marketing campaigns on search ads (Google, Bing etc), banner and video advertising through various networks and social media campaigns mainly via Facebook and Instagram. There is no need to make things more complicated than they need to be.

Should digital marketing include SEO for my hotel?

A well structured digital marketing campaign should certainly include at least a basic SEO audit of your website. Ensuring your hotel's website is well optimised from a technical perspective will usually result in lower cost per click costs for your search ad campaigns. Travel advertising is not cheap, every advantage for your business should be used to maximise returns on investment.

Do I need a website to run a digital marketing campaign for my hotel?

You *can* run digital marketing campaigns using Facebook pages or Google Business listings. It is far from optimal however. To effectively measure advertising ROI and have all of the available digital marketing tools at your disposal you need your own website.

Do you recommend paid advertising on OTA's like Expedia?

We usually suggest avoiding advertising via OTA's unless there is a specific need. OTA advertising largely results in OTA bookings with their associated commissions. That being said, there can be a time and place for OTA advertising depending on each specific hotel's profile.

Do you design the banners and videos used in our digital campaigns?

Our design team has many years experience designing banners that inspire your guests to book with your hotel! Ideally you will already have some professional photographs and video of your property, you can leave the rest to us! If you do not have these assets yet, talk to us to see what we can suggest.

Does your digital marketing include social media management?

As a rule we do not handle day to day social media management. We believe that social media (excluding paid campaigns) should be handled in-house so that the tone of voice is as authentic and true to your hotel as possible. We can assist in training your team on best practices or we can recommend alternative solutions, call us for a chat to find out more!
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